
10 Innovative Ways to Save Water & Energy

Like many things in life rely on something else, water and energy rely on one another. By saving water, we can save energy too. Water shortages are a fact, and many municipalities are starting to take steps to save water and energy. Yet, many homeowners choose to ignore the important link between water and energy. If you would like to save energy by saving water, check out the tips below.

1. Use Free Water

It costs money to transport water, as the process requires energy. Make the most of your rain water by diverting it into a tank that can be used for non-potable needs, such as watering your garden.

Turn your lawn into a rain garden and enjoy the benefits of free water.

2. Save on Heated Water

Heating water requires a lot of energy. There are many ways in which you can reduce the energy you use on heating water:

wash your clothes in cold water
take shorter showers
share baths

3. Buy Energy Star

When you buy new appliances, make sure that they are Energy Star compliant. These energy-saving appliances also save water.

4. Smart Fixtures

Consider installing fixtures that make the most of your water and energy use. Some of the best fixtures include:

low-flow toilets
dual flush toilets
high-efficiency showerheads
hands-free faucets
tankless water heaters

5. Eat More Healthy

Did you know that by eating more grains and vegetables, you can save energy and water? That's right - producing beef requires up to 100 times the amount of water required to produce the same amount of protein from grains. It is also fed corn that is grown using fossil fuels, insecticides and fertilizers that use a lot of energy.

6. Make it Snuggly

Wrap your water heater in an insulation blanket during winter in order to prevent heat loss. In cool weather, set your thermostat to a maximum of 68 degrees Fahrenheit and turn it down when you go to sleep or when you leave the home.

Did you know? By turning the thermostat 10-15 degrees lower during off-peak hours, you can save up to 10% on your heating bills.

7. Choose the Right Light

Turn off any lights in unoccupied rooms, and switch incandescent bulbs for compact fluorescent bulbs, as CFLs use up to 75% less energy. At the same time, they create much less heat while producing the same amount of light.

8. Use the Microwave

Instead of using the full oven, use a microwave or toaster oven to heat food. If you use air conditioning in summer, try to avoid using the oven a lot.

Be sure to defrost your food before cooking and match your pan size to the burner size to ensure energy efficient stove top cooking.

9. Use Your Heat Wisely

Where possible, dry your laundry on the line rather than in the dryer. If you use a drying, dry consecutive loads to make the best use of an already warm dryer.

10. Fix Leaks

If you have plumbing leaks, be sure not to stall on having them repaired. You would be surprised to find out just how much water a leaky toilet or pipe can waste.

Anta Plumbing is your energy-efficient Toronto plumber of choice when you are looking to save water. Give us a call to find out about some of the latest technology we can install to help you save water and energy.

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Written by Anta

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