
Could My Plumbing System Be Making My Water Smell Bad in Toronto?

Many Toronto residents still use tap water without filters and there's usually no reason not to. However, there are times when your home's potable water supply may taste bad, for whatever reason. In most cases, it is fine to use water that smells bad, as it has passed through the municipal water treatment plants. But if you suspect that your water, which comes from a well, has a bad smell, it may be important to test it. In some cases, the municipal supply could be just fine, but your home plumbing system may be to blame. When you notice a sudden change in appearance, smell, or taste of your water, get hold of the municipality right away, as it could indicate a serious issue.

Reasons Why Tap Water Smells Bad

There are many different reasons why tap water may smell bad, including:

  • high concentrations of metals from the pipes delivering the water may be present.
  • the chemicals used at the treatment plant to remove organisms could be to blame.
  • organisms could be living in the water.
  • environmental contaminants could be present.
  • algae blooms in the water source could cause odd smells.
  • seepage could be to blame - and is a serious health concern.

Does your water smell like cucumber, diesel fuel, methane, sewage, or something else? Causes could include iron and bacteria that thrive on iron in the system, and you may see orange slime in the water. This may also result in a diesel fuel smell.

Chlorine and sulfur can also result in bad tasting water. Chlorine is used during the purification process, and when excess is used, it could lead to a high concentration in your pipes. The smell should usually go away if you run the water for a moment. Sulfur usually results in a rotten egg smell and a bitter taste.

Water travels a significant distance from the purification plant to your home. It travels through pipes made from different metals, such as lead, copper, and iron, all of which contribute unique tastes and smells. Iron and copper usually only appear in low concentrations and pose little to no harm, apart from discoloring the water. High concentrations of iron may leave your water a rusty brown, which is a clear indication that it is time to replace your pipes. Lead, even in small amounts, can negatively impact your family's health. If you suspect lead contamination in your water, immediately refrain from using it and have your pipes tested immediately.

During summer, algae blooms may be present in your water, resulting in an odd smell. Water treatment generally removes algae and a variety of other organisms, but the odor may remain, causing a bad smell. Consider installing a water filtration system to remove the bad odor.

Seepage is a dangerous issue that can have potentially serious health side effects. When environmental contaminants enter your water supply, it is important to replace your pipes right away. Sewage pipes should be laid below your water lines, but if tree roots damage your sewage and water supply pipes, the contaminated water can enter your clean water supply, it could lead to serious illness.

Not sure what's causing bad smells in your water? Get in touch with Anta Plumbing today to investigate the matter.

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Written by Anta

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